
"Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours."
--Richard Bach

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March 24, 2011

Satisfyingly Good

Gardening, running, sewing and cleaning have never really been enjoyable things for me. In fact. . .I have detested all of them. . .for my whole life. I guess I haven't hated sewing that much, but I haven't really had the desire to do it, either. Pulling weeds was one of the worst chores I had to do growing up. I dreaded the fact that we had to run the track before cheer practice every morning. I never really understood how to use a sewing machine. And I think it's safe to say that I have never been very good at cleaning or keeping things clean. . .namely, our house. Well, I should rephrase that. . .I'm good at the actual cleaning. I just don't do it. I have become very talented at finding other things to do so there isn't time to pick up the house. :)

However, lately I have really enjoyed being outside working in the yard. We have a little section in our backyard that we prepared so we can plant a vegetable garden, and I've been weeding like a crazy woman! I love how it looks after you clear away all the dead leaves and weeds. I have also started running. I think that now I enjoy that as much as I hated it in high school. I feel great after I run. I can't run very far, but that's okay. At least I'm exercising. :) Sewing probably shouldn't be on this list, since I don't really hate it, but I have been doing that lately too! I made a rag quilt for Bella. It is so cute and it was so much fun to make. I would make more if the fabric wasn't so expensive. I'm certain I won't ever start sewing my own clothes. I'll stick with the nice, easy, straight lines of a rag quilt. Nolan keeps asking me when I'm going to make him one. Maybe next time he asks, I'll tell him "When Dad says I can". . .then he just might bother Ben about it instead of me. :) The last thing is cleaning. Yes, I said cleaning! I sort of find it relaxing. Now, understand that I'm not saying my house is always clean. There are six mess makers living in this house. It's hard to keep up. However, I feel like I'm doing loads better than I used to. I know that I'm enjoying it more. I do like having a clean house.

Maybe I enjoy these things because they have a good satisfying affect on me. There are plenty of times when I feel like I don't accomplish anything or that I haven't accomplished anything. The weedless yard looks satisfyingly good. I feel good after I run. Seeing Bella so excited for her blanket was good, and walking around in a clean house feels good too.
So, while I may not be good at all of those things, (I've killed a few plants, I don't run very fast or far, my quilt lines aren't perfectly lined up, and the house isn't perfectly clean) they do make me feel good. . .I like that.