
"Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours."
--Richard Bach

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April 19, 2011

Three down. . .

I'm sitting here in my bed and I can't sleep. Ben and Malia are on their way to Utah. First of all, I have never been able to fall asleep when Ben is gone. I hear every noise and only think of the worst things that could happen. Second, he took my baby. I don't do well without my babies. It wouldn't be so bad if it was one of the other kids. They are older and don't rely on me as much as a one year old does. She's been gone for four hours and I'm ready for her to be home. Pathetic. . .I know. When I came upstairs I was almost to her room to check on her before I remembered that she isn't there!
So anyway, I thought I'd give a little bit of an update on my goals for the year. There's bad news and good news. Bad news: My cello is broken beyond repair. Apparently it was broken when we bought it. . .we just didn't know that because it took me so long to get the bridge put back on. It also took some damage in the move and had a crack in it. Awesome. That goal will have to be put on hold. We are trying to cut back on the spending and buying a new cello doesn't really go along with the cut backs.
Good news: I have learned to use my sewing machine, and I feel pretty comfortable with it. There are still a few things that I have to check the manual about. . .but that's what a manual is for, right? I have also finished Bella's rag quilt! It turned out so so so cute. . .and I sewed it all by myself! I want to make another one. :) The last piece of good news is that I ran my 10-K last Saturday! I really enjoyed it too. I learned a few things before, during and after that race. Here they are:
1. Running is addicting! I love the feeling you get after a good run. I feel like I have actually done something healthy. It's a great workout. I also like the peace and quiet. When I started running I had an ipod with me to listen to music. I have learned that it's easier for me to run without that distraction! I'd like to say that I think about all the important things in life while I'm running. . .but I don't. I just run. . .well. . .it's more of a really fast walk. . .or a slow jog, but I'm going to call it running. :) I think of absolutely nothing. Love it.
2. Weight and age have nothing to do with anything. There were plenty of very large and/or very old people who ran the race faster than I did. There were also plenty of skinnier and/or younger people who were walking or out of breath or just plain slower than I was.
3. I look funny when I run. I sort of bend my wrists up or something, I don't know. When I watched the video that Ben took of me. . .I noticed that I look silly when I run. However, when I looked at the pictures of the other people running, I noticed that most of them look silly too. Maybe most people just can't look good while they're running?
4. I either need to get a brace for my knee or really work at strengthening my leg muscles. At about mile three, my knee was killing me. For a minute I was thinking I would have to walk the rest of the way. . .which I didn't end up doing. I can honestly say that I ran the whole thing. I'm pretty proud of that, actually. :) Unfortunately, I paid for it too. I could barely walk for the rest of the day on Saturday and was still in pain on Sunday.
5. I have an awesome husband and great kids. They always brought me water on my training runs and cheered me on as they passed me in the car. Then on Saturday, Ben woke up early, got the kids ready and hauled them to my 7:30 AM race (in the rain!). I saw them toward the end of the race. . .maybe in the last mile? The kids were jumping up and down yelling "Mommy! Mommy!" It gave me a nice little boost of energy. After the race Ben took good care of me. He made me lunch, fed the kids, iced my knee, filled the bathtub, let me take a nap, cleaned the house while I was sleeping, and took care of the kids while I sat lazily on my chair. He's a good boy. :)
6. I should wear black next time, not pink. I learned this, again, from looking at the pictures. Black is more slimming.
7. I should lose 10 more pounds. That's even more slimming.
8. I want to run another race.

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