
"Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours."
--Richard Bach

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January 18, 2011

My Bella Mae

I filled out the registration forms for Bella to go to preschool in August. . .it made me sad. My kids getting bigger makes me sad. I wish they could stay tiny forever. :) Doing that paperwork has made me think a lot about Bella and her personality. I've always said that she takes a lot of energy. . .and she does. . .but I just love her to pieces. These are the words that I think about when I think of Isabella. . .

Beautiful (I know I'm her mom, but she really is an incredibly beautiful girl!)
Social (she loves everyone. . .especially her Sunbeam friends)
Artistic (she loves to color and make things)
Cook (she loves watching the food network and helping mom make dinner)
Sister (She adores Malia. . .sometimes too much!)
Girly (Holy Hannah she's girly!)
Loud (Nolan has a loud voice. . .but Bella is just loud)
Dancer (her favorite part of the week. . .dance class!)
Hoarder (she hides and stashes anything she can get her hands on)
Talkative (I'm 99% sure she's never been quiet for more than five minutes unless she was sleeping)
Sunbeam (She loves going to church and loves primary)
Destroyer (This was Simon's nickname for her not long ago. . .and he came up with it on his own.)

I'm really excited for Bella to go to preschool. I think she will have a great time. Frankly, I'm excited for a little bit of a break from her busy little self. However, I also think that I will miss having her at home. She is so much fun to be around and she always keeps me on my toes. I love love love my Bella Mae.

Sheesh! When I'm crying while I type up a post, it's a good sign that I should stop. :)

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