
"Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours."
--Richard Bach

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June 29, 2010

Plus Two

I've been sitting here on my bed trying to think of what I would write about tonight. I've been trying to focus on the positive things more than the negative these last few days. However, just so you know how my day went, bed time for kids is normally around 8:30 or so, since it's summer. Today I put Isabella to bed at 6:50.
I've been sitting here for about ten minutes trying to think of something positive.
Then, just now Nolan walked in. (Him and Simon are watching a movie downstairs)
This was our conversation. . .

Me: "Hi Sweet boy, what do you need?"
Nolan: Holding his arms open for a hug he says, "I love you 100 plus 64 plus 98."
Me: "Wow! That's a lot! Guess what? I love you that many plus two!"
Nolan: "I love you 98 mommy, did you know that's the biggest number?"
Me: "It is?"
Nolan: "Yeah, can you count to that many?"
Me: "I think I could."
Nolan: While walking out of my bedroom, "Well, that would take you for longer. It would take you 100 days to count to 98 cause that's a big big number."

How can you not love that sweet boy? I love moments like
that. . .when the only thing that makes sense in our conversation is that he loves me
the biggest number he knows
and I love him that many plus two.

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